Westwood’s Small Business Directory

Below is a directory of small businesses owned by or associated with members of our Westwood Community. Hover over the category for a listing of businesses and their basic information and website.

Please note that The Westwood School is not responsible for any transactions, arrangements, or other dealings which take place between these businesses and any customer who may have used this site. Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.


Business Tools & Support

Alphabetical listing of businesses offering various support and tools to other businesses:




Communication & Media

Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with communications and media:




Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with education:



Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with financials:





Food and Beverage

Alphabetical listing of businesses offering food and beverage:




Alphabetical listing of businesses offering insurance:




Legal Services

Alphabetical listing of businesses offering legal services:




Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with medical services:







Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with realty services:



Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with medical services:





Alphabetical listing of businesses offering various services:








Alphabetical listing of businesses associated with technology:




Veterinary Services

Alphabetical listing of businesses associated veterinary services: